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COVID-19 Quarantine Measures

Based on recommendations and mandates from our local & state governments as well as our national professional associations, we are currently closed for group classes and private services of all types including massage, Reiki, reflexology, acupuncture, and skin care. Our studio shop will be open for a few hours each day if you need yoga mats, ToeSox, to pick up skin care products, or other items while we ride out this social-distancing requirement.

Store Hours will be posted and updated daily – check back frequently.
Thursday, March 26, 11am — 1pm
Friday, March 27, 8am – 10am
Saturday, March 28 – until, By Appointment (please call or text Neely for arrangements at 912-399-1919)

Virtual Classes will be a mix of free broadcasts available on Facebook and Youtube and live-streaming classes on Zoom that you can access by registering for your classes on our website at least 30-minutes before class begins. Check the Class Schedule for more information.